Patron card creation

You can create cards for library users with the help of Patron Card creator facility. With this facility libraries can create patron cards and print in good quality A4 size paper. 

Step-1 Upload library logo

Tools › Patron card creator › Manage images

Upload logo image of your library/organisation and give name (e.g. logo) for the image. Choose a small image for logo (e.g. 100x100 pixel).

Step-1 Create a new layout

Tools > Patron card creator > New > New Layout
See the screenshot below and fill the same values in new layout fields.
In "Image 1" section select logo image to display in library card.
Click on the screen shot to enlarge view.

 Step-2 Create new template

Tools > Patron card creator > New > Card Template
See the screenshot below and fill the same values in New Layout fields.

 Step-3 Create Patron cards

Tools > Patron Cart creator > New Batch