How to Enable Export Database Function In Koha Tools

New version Koha comes without enabling export database function in koha tools by default.So in order to take backup from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) we need to enable the function in koha instance's config file.Then only we can have database dumps via koha tool.

Enable database and configuration dumps via Koha tools 

1.Open terminal and edit your koha instance's config file using the following command.
sudo nano /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml
Where "library" is the name of  koha instance for which I want to enable backups via tools (replace "library" with your instance name)
2. Scroll down around line 291 where it says

<!-- Enable the two following to allow super librarians to download
      database and configuration dumps (respectively) from the Export
      tool -->
3. Enable database backups via tools by changing the line

( Note that we are simply changing "0" to "1" (from "off" to "on")

4. Enable database backups via tools by changing the line

( Note that we are simply changing "0" to "1" (from "off" to "on")

5. Save your changes (if you are using nano editor, press control + O) and Reboot your system/server. Now go on to the next step
Backup your Koha Database and Configuration file via Koha Tools

1. Log into to koha administration interface on your web browser.
2. Go to Home > Tools
3. Click on Export Data
4. To export your database, click on Export Database > Select the Database > Download Database
5. To export your configuration file, click on Export Configuration File > Select the Configuration File > Download Configuration File