Certain records reluctant to Checkin due to DBMS auto increment
problem. In such cases, the transaction remains in the tables.
Developers still working on the solution. Here is a temporary solution. I
tried this steps on Koha installed on Debian 8,9 and Ubuntu 16.04 with
MySQL and MariaDB Server.
Symptoms of DB increment problem
Symptoms of DB increment problem
Record reluctant to check-in. |
See the message when trying to check-in the book. |
Check Koha > About > System Information where you can find affected tables and entries in it.
Clean the wrong entries from the affected tables
Find the entries duplicated. |
The problem often affected on deletedbiblio, deleteditems, deletedborrowers and old_issues tables in Koha database. We have to access the database of Koha and delete that specific entry. Then we apply DBMS auto increment fix. First identify the tables with wrong entries. Apply SQL queries to delete the wrong entries;
Log into MySQL/MariaDB
sudo mysql -uroot -p
use koha_library;
Apply following SQL query to delete the wrong entries from old_issues table;
DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (Copy and paste issue IDs inside the brackets);
e.g. DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (910,909,908,911);
Delete wrong entries from deletedbiblio
DELETE FROM deletedbiblio WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblio numbers inside the brackets);
Delete wrong entries from deleteditems
DELETE FROM deleteditems WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblionumbers inside the brackets);
Delete wrong entries from deletedborrowers
DELETE FROM deletedborrowers WHERE borrowernumber IN (Copy and paste borrower numbers inside the brackets);
Exit from MySQL after the deletion of wrong entries from all tables. Apply the following command;
Log into MySQL/MariaDB
sudo mysql -uroot -p
use koha_library;
Apply following SQL query to delete the wrong entries from old_issues table;
DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (Copy and paste issue IDs inside the brackets);
e.g. DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (910,909,908,911);
Delete wrong entries from deletedbiblio
DELETE FROM deletedbiblio WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblio numbers inside the brackets);
Delete wrong entries from deleteditems
DELETE FROM deleteditems WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblionumbers inside the brackets);
Delete wrong entries from deletedborrowers
DELETE FROM deletedborrowers WHERE borrowernumber IN (Copy and paste borrower numbers inside the brackets);
Exit from MySQL after the deletion of wrong entries from all tables. Apply the following command;
Reference-Koha Geek