Steps for manual installation.
PHP Installation is required.
You can install PHP by executing following commands.
sudo apt-get install php -y
sudo apt-get install -y php-{bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip}
&& sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php -y
How to download Package Files?
You can download the package from following link. And Copy them into Home directory.
Download Link :
Please rename the folder after extraction to inout. Now we have to copy the inout directory into ‘htdocs’ directory. Open the terminal into Home directory and apply the following commands.
sudo su
sudo mv /home/inout /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs
cd /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs
chmod 777 -R inout
Steps for quick database setup.
Open the terminal and apply the following commands.
sudo su mysql -uroot -p [Enter MySQL Root password] create database lib; grant all privileges on lib.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'mysqlroot'; flush privileges; Quit;
In above code ‘root’ is the username and ‘mysqlroot’ is the password. Make sure you replace it with your credentials.
Now restore the sample database which is present in the ‘inout/DB’ directory by applying following command in terminal. Open Terminal in ‘inout’ directory.
sudo su
mysql -uroot -p lib < inout.sql
[Enter MySQL Root password]
Replace your password in the file ‘dbconn.php’ located in ‘inout/functions’ directory, at the line number 3.
Replace the database name to ‘lib’ at line number 4.
sudo nano /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/inout/functions/dbconn.php
The system is ready now.
You can access it at URL given below:
Steps for GIT Installation.
Note: Skip this if have followed Manual Installation Process. Php should be installed.
Please execute the following command to install GIT.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git
Goto the following location and clone the package.
cd /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs git clone --recursive sudo chmod 777 -R inout/
Setup the database as shown in the Manual Installation.
Replace your password in the file ‘dbconn.php’ located in inout/functions directory, in the line number 3.
Replace the database name to ‘lib’ at line number 5.
The system is ready now.
You can access it at URL given below:
How to use this Koha plugin?
Login Credentials for In Out Management System.
There are 3 users for in out management system for various operations. Please change passwords after first login.
- Operator: Controls Display Screen or main screen
username : user
password : 123456 - Admin of library: Controls Single library or location admin panel and reports
username : admin
password : library - Master: Controls all the library or location admin panel and reports
username : master
password : superuser
Initial setup to be done.
At the initial state first login through master login.
- Select location as master when you login as master each time.
- After login goto on setup tab located left side.
- Add college or institution name, library closing time. Default name is In out management system.
- You need to add location.
- You can change password of users in user management tab.
- Then logout from master.
How to use user panel?
- login as operator to open the entry screen.
- Select library name as location while login as operator.
- This will be displayed at the entrance of the library.
- Connect the barcode scanner to it. Then it’ll start taking entries.
- User have to scan their id while entering into library and also when exiting the library.
- Click on the clock to logout.
Note: You can use keyboard if barcode scanner is not available.
Usage of admin panel.
From another system which is connected to LAN with Koha system you can access the admin panel of each location.
- login with the admin credentials and select the respected library.
- It show the reports panel. There are three types of report. Each one can be displayed or exported into excel sheet and PDF files.
Features of this Koha Plugin.
There are some additional features added in In out management system version 4.
Now, you can display notices.
This management system introduced a new feature called notice. In this feature librarian can add notices of library in this Koha plugin. To add notice login as master, go to notice tab. Here you can find Head, Body and Footer for notice. Fill this and select location where the notice should be displayed.
Once you add a notice, the default image will replace with notice on the screen. You can disable notice by clicking on notice’s active button. You can add multiple notices for various locations.
Complex reports? No!
Reports for In out management system are updated to next level. This system is using Data Tables for the report generation. You can instantly export reports to Excel or PDF format. You can hide columns, search for anything or can apply filter at same time.
Master user and admin user reports are differ from each other. Master can get all location reports at same place where admin can get only respected location reports.
New way to handle user!
Now you can create multiple users for various locations. Head to user management tab in master user. Here you can create new username, name, password. Also assign them a role that is admin, master or user.