Display logo on Koha staff client login page


Displaying institution logo on Koha staff client is part of beautification. Even though library staff who log in the staff client sees the logo, everybody believes that it enhances the branding. 

A system preference, stafflogininstructions available for this purpose. This feature available since the release of Koha version 18.04. 

How it works

Copy the logo to htdocs

Prepare the logo image and put it in an internal folder or in an external server. You can place the image in the folder, /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs to save in the Koha server. Apply the following command to copy the logo image from the home folder to htdocs.

sudo cp rie-logo.jpg /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs

Replace the file name (rie-logo.jpg) match with the logo name with you.

Add image details in stafflogininstructions

Open Koha Staff Client, visit and find Administration > Global System Preference > Staff Interface > StaffLoginInstructions.

Otherwise, find the specific option by using the search feature in Administration > Global System Preferences. Put the term, StaffLoginInstructions in search box and find.

HTML tag to display logo

<center> <img src="" style="width:45%; height:45%;"> </center>

Change the IP ( match with yours. Save the settings. Sign out from Koha Staff Client and check the login page.

Reference-Koha Geek